A Case of Huge Intradermal Melanocytic Nevus of the External Auditory Canal Orifice.
The intradermal Melanocytic Nevus is usually referred to as the nevomelanocytic nevi and is
composed of nevus cells. Although intradermal nevi are common benign
pigmented skin tumors, their occurrence within the External Auditory Canal is uncommon.
Recently the author experienced a case of huge intradermal MN which almost completely
obstructed EAC orifice without accompanying conductive hearing loss in a 42-year-old female
patient. It originated in the inferior wall of cartilaginous portion of left EAC.
It was treatedby en bloc excision without skin graft by transcanal approach. Here, we report a case of huge
intradermal MN arising in the EAC with review of literatures.
This article reports a case of huge intradermal Melanocytic Nevus of
the External Auditory Canal orifice. A nevus is a benign melanocytic neoplasm and is the most
common type of skin tumor.
There are 20
reported cases of MN in the EAC in the English-language
literature thus far. Recently the
author experienced a case of huge intradermal
MN which almost completely obstructed EAC
orifice without accompanying conductive hearing loss in a 42-year-old female patient.
It originated in the inferior wall of cartilaginous portion of left EAC. It was treated by en bloc excision
without skin graft by transcanal approach.
Otolaryngol Open J. 2016; 2(1): 39-42. doi: 10.17140/OTLOJ-2-110