A Review of Color Flavor Interaction in Food and its Application in Food Product Development.
Flavor is the sensory impression of food and beverage when taken into the mouth. It is mostly determined by the senses of taste and smell. However, all of the senses are involved in the
perception of food. As an illustration, you see a hamburger. At the same time, flavor compounds volatilize off the hamburger and escape into the air. The chemicals are swept up into the nose and
are detected by receptors in the olfactory nerve, a process called “orthonasal olfaction”, that is, from the external environment into the nose.
This information is used to create a perception in the brain: it expects the food to taste like a hamburger. You then bring the food into your mouth and chew. Non-volatile tastants are perceived by the taste buds as sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami. Other tactual senses are noted such as temperature, texture, sound, and chemesthetic effects. Flavor compounds volatilize off the food mass and are swept through the back of the throat into the nose and again detected by the olfactory bulb: this is called “retronasal olfaction”, from the inside of the mouth into the nose. The sensory information from the mouth and retronasal olfaction confirm or disconfirm the expectation.
The white wine was perceived to have the odor of red wine when colored red. The wine’s color provides significant sensory information, which misleads the subject’s ability to judge flavor. The mistake is stronger in the presence that in the absence of access to the wine color.
Adv Food Technol Nutr Sci Open J. 2018; 4(1): 23-27.doi: 10.17140/AFTNSOJ-4-149