Acquired Melanocytic Nevus: An Unusual Case Presentation.
Acquired Melanocytic Nevi are common benign pigmented skin lesions. There
are three types which include junctional nevus, compound nevus and
Melanocytic Nevus.
IMN are characterized clinically by dome-shaped, soft, fleshy papules and are seen commonly in adults. Herein we
reported a case with an unusual large IMN.
A 35 years old otherwise healthy male presented
with history of
asymptomatic skin lesion on his scalp
of several years duration that started to get
bigger within the previous
few months prior presenting
to us. Skin examination revealed solitary firm skin colored
nodule measuring 1.5×1.5 cm on his scalp.
Exccesional skin biopsy revealed sharply-defined intradermal tumor
composed of nests
and fascicles of nevus cells. The tumor
cells in superficial
dermis are composed of epithelioid
cells arranged singly and in clusters with heavy pigmentation in
the superficial part.
The deeper portion of the tumor is composed of bland looking
spindle cells. Histochemical
analysis showed positivity for S100 and HMB.
Their sizes range from a few millimeters to ≥1 cm in diameter.
The dermoscopic features of an intradermal nevus consist
of focal globules or globular-like
the previous months prior presenting to us. Past medical history
and systematic review were unremarkable. Skin examination
revealed solitary firm skin colored
nodule measuring 1.5×1.5 cm on his scalp.
Differential diagnosis of cylindroma,
neuroma, neurofibroma,
and schwanoma has been made. Exccesional skin
biopsy revealed sharply-defined intradermal tumor
composed of nests and fascicles of
nevus cells.
Dermatol Open J. 2016; 1(1): 6-8. doi: 10.17140/DRMTOJ-1-103