An Overview on Interproximal Enamel Reduction.
Ever since its first introduction seven decades ago, there has been continuous advancement of the concept and technique of Interproximal enamel reduction (IPR). It’s demonstrated
that with correct case selection and clinical performance, IPR is safe and effective for alleviating crowding, improving dental and gingival aesthetics as well as facilitating post-treatment
stability. The fulfilment of treatment outcomes depends on careful pre-treatment examination
and planning, appropriate clinical procedures and effective post-treatment protection. This review aims to provide a general introduction to IPR in terms of its history background, risks and
benefits and clinical performance.
Interproximal enamel reduction also described as “stripping”, “reproximation”
and “slenderizing” has been applied in clinical orthodontics for almost seven decades.1,2 By
removing part of the enamel tissue from the interproximal contact area, this technique has been
proved to be effective in improving dental alignment, stability and aesthetics. This review aims
to provide an overview on IPR from perspectives of clinical indications, risks and benefits,
preclinical evaluation and planning, armamentarium and clinical procedures.
As an adjunctive orthodontic treatment approach, IPR was first introduced in 1944,
when Murray L. Ballard reported that it was advisable to strip the interproximal surfaces of
lower anterior teeth to address the discrepancy in tooth size.3 A decade later, Begg found that
crowding was absent in Stone Age man’s dentition where wearing in occlusal and interproximal
surfaces widely presented.4 Ever since then, there has been a growing interest in the clinical
application of IPR. The technique of IPR was for the first time, described in detail by Hudson
who applied metallic strips, with subsequent polishing and topical fluoride application.5 The
necessity of IPR was further supported by Bolton in his study on the association between tooth
size disharmony and malocclusion.
Dent Open J. 2014; 1(1): 14-18. doi: 10.17140/DOJ-1-104