Design and Validation of the Quality of Work Life Scale for Call Center Workers of a Private Company in Downtown of Lima, 2019.
The purpose of this research was to construct a quality of work life scale for workers of a call center company in Downtown of Lima. The company must provide a place where the worker can have minutes of relaxation and where he can satisfy his hunger, such as a dining room or recreation room.
Meanwhile, it is recommended to continue with the study of the variable as it is the subject of various studies in our environment; Furthermore, in organizational practice its application
is not valid with the Humanist approach that puts human labor relations as the main assumption and focus on the importance of understanding performance in the feelings, ideas and behaviors of
collaborators in organizations.
An adequate quality of life leads to a good climate of trust and respect, which generates that workers generate their contributions and increase their chances of success in all areas, while
management will emphasize reducing control mechanisms. Therefore, the worker will wish to have access to a healthy life; thus, for example, guarantees in risk prevention and occupational safety. Then, he will seek stability in the organization, heading for his professional development and preserving his interests.
If the organization encourages collaboration between employees, performance will increase generating a good quality of work life. It is important that there is communication when carrying out any project of the organization; workers should consider promoting a sense of belonging.
Psychol Cogn Sci Open J.2020; 6(2): 50-56. doi: 10.17140/PCSOJ-6-158