Determinants of Non-Insurance in A-Duiem Administrative Unit, White Nile State, Sudan 2018.
Awareness about HI was poor among HNIHs and moderate among the community leaders and the members of the community organizations. The knowledge of the community organizations members about the HI premium was notably poor.
Health insurance (HI) is a system of social solidarity that enables different groups of society to access health services without financial barriers. It is a method of health financing where an entity provides the needed fund to cover the whole or part of a person incurring health expenses and hence replaces the user fees charged. The implementation of the current HI system in Sudan
started in 1995 and achieved a coverage rate of 53.8% of the total population by the end of June 2017.
Attitudes defined as overall evaluations of things are important, because they affect both the way people perceive things and how they behave. Thus attitudes regarding the need for and value of HI may affect HI coverage.
This study aims at identifying the determinants that encourage or otherwise impede the community in DAU to enroll in HI. As well it seeks to understand the knowledge of the population in DAU and their attitudes towards HI as important determinants for enrolment and as a secondary objective, to calculate the household’s coverage with health insurance.
The community leaders and the community organizations were purposively13 selected based on their proactive role, acceptability by the community, and representation to community organizations such as religious groups, women and youth unions, local Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), etc.
Public Health Open J. 2020; 5(3): 42-48. doi: 10.17140/PHOJ-5-147