Dual Action Mechanism of Insulin Resistance and Insulin Secretion by Imeglimin for Diabetic Treatment
For non-communicable disease, diabetes has been crucial medical and social problem worldwide.
Medical and health care for diabetes has been managed by International Diabetes Federation.
IDF reported the increased prevalence of diabetes and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus.
Furthermore, latest standard guideline for diabetes was pronounced
by American Diabetes Association in Jan 2022.
It presents recommendation of medical care in diabetes. Recent topics include some types of
pharmacological treatment for diabetes.
Cases of 932 type 2 diabetes mellitus were 63.8-years in average and used dulaglutide or liraglutide.
Hemoglobin A1C decreased for 6-months from 8.3% to 7.8%, and
ratio of HbA1c<7.0% increased from 14.4% to 22.9%.
HbA1c decreased 8.9% to 7.4% in liraglutide, and 8.7% to 7.5% in dulaglutide for 12-months.
Both effects were actually comparable.
Thus, GLP-1RA would be in focus for injectable agent for diabetes in the medical practice.
On the other hand, oral hypoglycemic agents have played main role of treating diabetes for long.
It is in the glimin category, which has tetrahydrotriazine-containing agent.
The characteristic function shows the dual action mechanism of reducing insulin
resistance for peripheral organs and also increasing insulin secretion from beta cell in the pancreas.
In our report, T2DM case showed HbA1c decrease from 8.6% to 5.7% in 8-weeks.
Dual Action Mechanism of Insulin Resistance and Insulin Secretion by Imeglimin for Diabetic Treatment
Diabetes Res Open J. 2022; 8(1): e1-e3. doi: 10.17140/DROJ-8-e017