Effect of Music Therapy as an Adjunct in Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer
India is the world capital for diabetes mellitus. Diabetic foot ulcers are the most costly
and devastating complication of diabetes mellitus which affects 15% diabetic patients in their
Early effective management can reduce the severity of complications
such as preventable amputations and reduce the mortality.
More than 50% of non-traumatic lower-extremity amputations are related
to diabetic foot ulcer infections and 85% of all lower-extremity amputations in patients
with diabetes are preceded by an ulcer; up to 70% of diabetic patients with a DFU-related
amputation die within 5 years of their amputation.
Together with achieving strict glycemic control, thorough wound debridement
in combination with other modalities of treatment such as advanced dressings,
off loading technique, Negative pressure wound therapy
are an integral part of diabetic ulcer management.
Music therapy is one of the adjunct modality of therapy that has shown promise
in relieving pain and helped in emotional and physical healing and
wellbeing of the patient.
In addition music permits the patient to be involved in the treatment;
music can be adapted to each individuals need and can be used to distract
the patient during painful procedures and experiences with the hope that
they will experience decreased levels of pain.
Here we describe a case of diabetic ulcer
in the management of which music therapy was used as an adjunct.
Effect of Music Therapy as an Adjunct in Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Diabetes Res Open J. 2019; 5(1): 23-25. doi: 10.17140/DROJ-5-142