Epidemiological Profile of Hypertension, and Its Determinants Amongst Adult Patients in Cameroon: A Hospital-Based Study.
Hypertension accounts for approximately 1 million deaths amongst the 1 billion adults living with HTN worldwide. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) bears a great burden of HTN, which is the leading cause of heart failure, and stroke and accounts for over 80% of all cardiovascular disease-related deaths.
Type 2 diabetes is a heterogeneous disease resulting from the incapacity of the body to correctly react to the action of insulin. Insulin is either low or high (insulino-resistance or insulinopeny).21 This incapacity depends on the environmental factors, the first of which is excessive consumption of saturated fats, rapid sugars, and sedentarity. Thus, to bring back the rate of blood glucose to the normal, the β cells of the pancreas secrete more insulin and end up becoming exhausted until producing some more. Peripheral resistance to insulin is thus a central factor in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes which is related to a failure to activate glycogen synthetase, and an increase in the availability of free fatty acids.
This female prevalence appears in the studies of Azantsa Kingue GB.20 This high prevalence of hypertension among women could be due to the menopausal state characterized by a stopping of the mechanism of the steroids hormones.14 explained that the prevalence hypertension among women was due to obesity, the intake of hormonal contraceptives with high oestrogens
contents, the abusive intake of growth regulators and non steroidic anti-inflammatory drugs.
Cigarette smoking is a powerful cardiovascular risk factor and smoking cessation is the single most effective lifestyle measure for the prevention of a large number of cardiovascular diseases. Impairment of endothelial function, arterial stiffness, inflammation, lipid modification as well as an alteration of antithrombotic and prothrombotic.
Public Health Open J. 2019; 4(1): 24-32. doi: 10.17140/PHOJ-4-130