Frequency of Post-Instrumentation Symptoms Using Hand Files Versus Rotary Protapers.
Dental clinicians in routine endodontic practices often encounter patients’
complaint of pain, swelling and tenderness on biting or redness in buccal sulcus
after root canal instrumentation which may start a few hours after treatment.
The frequency of post-operative symptoms has been stated to occur in over 50% of patients
undergoing root canal therapy. This frustrating happening known as flare-up occurs
due to development of acute inflammation at the periapex in reaction to increased.
Multiple studies have found link between an intracanal instrumentation technique
and post-operative pain. Intracanal instrumentation for debridement and disinfection
of the canal is performed using either of the two instrumentation approaches;
starting from tip of the root with fine instruments and work way back up
the canal with gradually larger instrument known as the step-back technique.
Hand K files with step-back technique.
Alternative way of canal instrumentation is starting from the canal orifice situated in the pulp chamber
with larger instruments and gradually progressing toward the apex
with finer instruments the crown-down technique.
Regarding post-instrumentation pain following either of
the two techniques, controversy exists among practicing dentists worldwide.
Many clinicians prefer rotary protapers as they possess better canal cleaning efficacy
than manual K files and create more regular root canal tapers.
Many investigators believe that protapers cause more post -instrumentation symptoms
as they push more debris and bacteria towards periapical region.
All the root canal treatments.
Root canal preparation in either group was performed
under copious irrigation with normal saline. Drying of canal was
obtained using appropriate sized absorbent paper points.
Dent Open J. 2018; 5(1): 23-29. doi: 10.17140/DOJ-5-138