
Open journal

ISSN 2473-4772

Special Editions


BARTHOLOMEW DEAN is an Editor-in-Chief of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Bartholomew Dean, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas

Associate editors

KAUSHIK S. BOSE is an Associate Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Kaushik S. Bose, PhD, DSc

Department of Anthropology, Vidyasagar University
GANGADHAR M. RAJAGOPAL is an Associate Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Gangadhar M. Rajagopal, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Mysore
BENJAMIN B. BROOKS is an Associate Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Benjamin B. Brooks, PhD

Department of Anthropology, East Carolina University


SILI ROUT is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Sili Rout, PhD

Department of Anthropology, Model Degree College
BIKKU BIKKU is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Bikku Bikku, MA, MPhil, PhD

Department of Liberal Arts, SRM University AP
OLUBUKOLA OLAYIWOLA is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Olubukola Olayiwola, PhD

Department of Sociology & Anthropology, University of Richmond
J. P. LINSTROTH is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

J. P. Linstroth, DPhil

Barry University
OMID OUDBASHI is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Omid Oudbashi, PhD

Department of Conservation of Historic & Cultural Properties, Art University of Isfahan
MARCEL KORNFELD is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Marcel Kornfeld, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Wyoming
SUBHO ROY is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Subho Roy, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Calcutta
ENRIQUE J. MAYER is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Enrique J. Mayer, PhD

Department of Anthropology, Yale University
DU LIPING is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Du Liping, PhD

Department of Chinese, University of Melbourne
HALYNA MOKRUSHYNA is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Halyna Mokrushyna, PhD

Department of Sociology, University of Ottawa
RUTH YOUNG is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Ruth Young, PhD

University of Leicester
FRANCES D. BURTON is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Frances D. Burton, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto
DOTT. STEFANO PAGNOTTA is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Dott. Stefano Pagnotta, MD

JULIAN HENDERSON is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Julian Henderson, PhD

Department of Archaeology, University of Nottingham
S. NEYOOXET GREYMORNING is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

S. Neyooxet Greymorning, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Montana
JEAN M. RAHIER is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Jean M. Rahier, PhD

Department of Anthropology, Florida International University
HARALD WILFING is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Harald Wilfing, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna
JAN L. T. HAYWOOD is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Jan L. T. Haywood, PhD

Department of Ancient History
ABDULSALLAM BAKDASH is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Abdulsallam Bakdash, PhD

Naif Arab University for Security Sciences
MEHMET-ALI ATAÇ is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Mehmet-Ali Ataç, PhD

Department of Classical & Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College
ATHOS AGAPIOU is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Athos Agapiou, PhD

Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics, Cyprus University of Technology
KULDEEP K. BHAN is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Kuldeep K. Bhan, MD, PhD

Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
YAGHOUB MOHAMMADIFAR is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Yaghoub Mohammadifar, PhD

Department of Archaeology, Bu-Ali Sina University
JERVAS EKEZIE is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Jervas Ekezie, PhD

Department of Anatomy, Federal University of Technology
ANTHONY P. GLASCOCK is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Anthony P. Glascock, PhD

Department of Anthropology, Drexel University
YVONNE V. JONES is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Yvonne V. Jones, PhD

Departments of Anthropology, University of Louisville
F. JAMES ROHLF is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

F. James Rohlf, PhD

Department of Anthropology, Stony Brook University of New York.
KAMAL K. MISRA is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Kamal K. Misra, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad.
M. ROMESH SINGH is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

M. Romesh Singh, MA, MPhil, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad
DOUGLAS A. FELDMAN is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Douglas A. Feldman, PhD

Department of Anthropology, State University of New York
SHIVANI CHANDEL is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Shivani Chandel, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Delhi
IAN WHITMARSH is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Ian Whitmarsh, PhD

Department of Anthropology, History & Social Medicine, University of California
JOHN M. JANZEN is an Editor of Anthropology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

John M. Janzen, PhD

Department of Anthropology, University of Kansas


Hossein Fattahi, MD, MA

University of New York, USA

Sadaruddin Biswas, PhD

University of Sidho-Kanho-Birsha, India

Meenal Dhall, PhD

University of Delhi, India

Christine Mitchell, RN, MS, MTS, HEC-C

Center for Bioethics at Harvard Medical School

Charles M. Musiba, PhD

University of Colorado Denver, USA

Jean-Luc Chodkiewicz, PhD

University of Manitoba, Canada

Justine Benanty, PhD

The George Washington University, USA

David L. Browman, PhD

Washington University, USA

Ute Luig, PhD

Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Krzysztof Bierski, PhD

Durham University, Germany

Gwyn D. Madden, PhD

Grand Valley State University, USA

Feedback Corner

Suman Chakravarty, PhD, is an author at Openventio Publishers.

Mrinalini Datta Mahavidyapith - ANTPOJ


I am privileged to get a chance to publish my article in Anthropology – Open Journal. I had wonderful experiences, from submitting the manuscript to publishing the article through the blind peer-reviewed process. I must congratulate all the associated members of this journal. The editorial assistance was speedy, fruitful, and helpful for me. I wish the journal every success. I also advocate for publishing your research work in this journal.

John P. Nkwap, BA, is an author at Openventio Publishers.

University of Jos - ANTPOJ


I want to thank Openventio for this wonderful opportunity given to me on their platforms to be able to showcase and share knowledge on a Global platform. My sincere gratitude also goes to the editorial board thank you for the kind words and encouragement to do better. Looking forward to do more work together. Thank you

Civan Ekmekçi, BS, is an author at Openventio Publishers.

Sivas Cumhuriyet University - ANTPOJ


Being a paleoanthropologist, collaborating with Open Journal to publish my opinion was certainly worthwhile. Editorial team is amazingly helpful, friendly and extremely responsive. They constantly return all messages in a very prompt way. If you are an academic or researcher, I definitely advocate publishing your article in Open Journal without a second hesitation.

Sudip Datta-Banik, PhD, is an author at Openventio Publishers.

Cinvestav-IPN - ANTPOJ


I am very happy to publish an article in Anthropology-Open Journal. Very efficient peer-review process and editorial work. I wish the journal high success.

Gopal C. Mandal, MSc, PhD, is an author at Openventio Publishers.

Bangabasi College - ANTPOJ


I am thankful to the team of Anthropology – Open Journal. I had a great experience. They were very prompt and co-operative. The journal maintains the quality of the article published and I believe it will become one of the preferred journals among the anthropologists. I wish all success to the journal.

Meenakshie Verma, PhD, is an author at Openventio Publishers.

Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) - ANPOJ


This journal and its editorial team is actively inclusive of feminist thoughts in the domains of social & cultural anthropology. Amongst, the pioneers to connect directly with diverse ethnographic writing practices and ideas.

Kaushik Bose, DSc, PhD is an author at Openventio Publishers

Vidyasagar University – ANTPOJ


I am proud to be associated with Anthropology – Open Journal. It’s an international peer-reviewed journal with an editorial board consisting of members from around the globe. The quality of papers published in this journal is high. I wish the journal all success.

Sumahan Bandyopadhyay, MSc, PhD is an author at Openventio Publishers

Vidyasagar University - ANTPOJ


I have one of my best experiences of publishing paper in Anthropology – Open Journal. The journal did a thorough double-blind review of my paper. This in-depth review actually transformed my paper into its present form. The editorial assistant is very prompt in reply and always keeps us updated. I strongly believe that the ANTPOJ will soon become one of the most preferred journals of anthropology. I wish a bright future for Anthropology Open Journal.

Ekezie Jervas, PhD is an author at Openventio Publishers

Federal University of Technology – ANTPOJ


I am sincerely thankful to the Editorial board of Anthropology – Open Journal (ANTPOJ); they are very meticulous. They carry out efficient and effective communication with the authors before publishing any paper. They perform adequate reviews. ANTPOJ is of High quality and maintain excellent standard. I, therefore, encourage Scientist all over the world to key in into ANTPOJ for effective and on time publication. ANTPOJ- keep the flag flying, you will have a great rating soon.

Vidyasagar University – ANTPOJ


Please submit your journal to worldwide indexes and impact factors; you are a dedicated and capable individual. I hope that soon people will consider your journal to be among the greatest in the field of anthropology.

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