
Open journal

ISSN 2470-4059

Open Journal Article Filter
Mental Health of Audiologists and Speech

Original Research

2023 May

Himanshu K. Sanju*, Ankit K. Lohani and Mahesh Kumar
Morphometric Dimensions of Male Auditory

Original Research

2023 Apr

Kelechi P. Godson*, Lotanna S. Akudu, Chioma Ohanenye and Mike O. Onyewuchi
Effectiveness of Endoscopic Pitch Raising

Systematic Review

2021 May

Ziya Saltürk*, Esin Avcı, Yavuz Atar, Belgin Tutar, Güler Berkiten, Tolgar L. Kumral and Sertaç Yetişer
Pinna Swelling an Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia

Case Report

2021 Apr

Sambhaji G. Chintale*, Vilas R. Kirdak, Swati S. Chintale, Kaleem A. Shaikh and Sonali P. Jatale
Case of Glomus Tympanicum During Stapedotomy Surgery

Case Report

2021 Feb

Leonardo Ordoñez-Ordoñez*, Fabio Leon and Juanita Beltran

Brief Research Report

2020 Sep

Vural Fidan*, Handan Koyuncu, Emine Sakalar and Bengisu Turfan

Special Editions


Associate editors

RAÚL GONZÁLEZ-GARCÍA is an Associate Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Raúl González-García, MD, PhD

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital de La Princesa
MOHSEN NARAGHI is an Associate Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Mohsen Naraghi, MD

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences


JATHIN S. THEKKETHIL is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Jathin S. Thekkethil, MBBS, MS, MBA

Department of Otolaryngology, Burjeel Medical Centre
BALEGH H. ABDELHAK is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Balegh H. Abdelhak, MD

Department of Ear & Nose and Throat, Minia University
LEONARDO E. ORDÓÑEZ ORDÓÑEZ is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Leonardo E. Ordóñez Ordóñez, MD

Department of Otolaryngology, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
HIMANSHU KUMAR SANJU is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Himanshu Kumar Sanju, PhD

Department of ENT and Audiology, Shri Jagdamba Charitable Eye Hospital
EILEEN M. RAYNOR is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Eileen M. Raynor, MD

Department of Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Sciences, Duke University Hospital
MOHD NORMANI ZAKARIA is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Mohd Normani Zakaria, PhD

School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
MARCO BERLUCCHI is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Marco Berlucchi, MD

Department of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Spedali Civili Hospital
PRAWIN KUMAR is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Prawin Kumar, PhD

Department of Audiology, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
NAVID AHMADY-ROOZBAHANY is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Navid Ahmady-Roozbahany, MD

Department of Otolaryngology, Shahid Beheshti University
JOHAN H. M. FRIJNS is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Johan H. M. Frijns, MD, PhD

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Leiden University Medical Center
LIDONG ZHAO is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Lidong Zhao, MD

Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Institute of Otolaryngology of PLA, Chinese PLA General Hospital
MAOLI DUAN is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Maoli Duan, MD, PhD

Department of Clinical Science, Karolinska University Hospital
LI RUIYU is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Li Ruiyu, MD

Department of Integrated Chinese & Western Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Xingtai Medical College
DANIELA POLO CAMARGO DA SILVA is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Daniela Polo Camargo da Silva, MD

Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
YING WANG is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Ying Wang, PhD

Department of Otolaryngology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University
SHO KANZAKI is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Sho Kanzaki, MD, PhD

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nagoya City University
MOTOHIKO SUZUKI is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Motohiko Suzuki, MD, PhD

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City University
MONICA O. PATADIA is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Monica O. Patadia, MD

Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Loyola University Chicago
MICHELE CASSANO is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Michele Cassano, MD

Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Università degli studi di Foggia (UNIFG)
FRANCESCO MARTINES is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Francesco Martines, MD, PhD

Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics, University of Palermo
VURAL FIDAN is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Vural Fidan, MD

Department of ENT and Otorhinolaryngologist, Yunus Emre Government Hospital
ROBERT I. HENKIN is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Robert I. Henkin, MD, PhD

The Taste and Smell Clinic
WEN-HUNG WANG is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Wen-Hung Wang, MD, PhD

Department of Otolaryngology, Cathay General Hospital
SE-HYUNG KIM is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Se-Hyung Kim, MD, PhD

Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Jeju National University School of Medicine
ZIYA SALTÜRK is an Editor of Otolaryngology – Open Journal at Openventio Publishers.

Ziya Saltürk, MD

Department of Nose and Throat Diseases, Üsküdar University


Eugenia Allegra, MD

University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Italy

Seden Akdagli, MD

SUNY Downstate Medical Center, USA

Niliksha Gunewardene, PhD

University of Melbourne, Australia

Giuseppe Malafronte, PhD

“San Giuseppe Moscati” Hospital, Italy

Rebecca S. Dewey, PhD

University of Nottingham, UK

Myriam Jrad, MD

La Rabta Hospital, Tunisia

Feedback Corner

Manisha Choudhury, MASLP is an author at Openventio Publishers

Amity University – OTLOJ


Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my experience with your esteemed journal. It was a great pleasure to work with your entire team who are working immensely in the field of CAPD. Our article got published under the valuable guidance of knowledgeable core members. We hope that the readers will also find this journal interesting and informative which will help them seek more upgraded knowledge in the field of Audiology. All the best!

Berk Gurpinar, MD is an author at Openventio Publishers

Training and Research Hospital - OTLOJ


Firstly, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity. This journal provides an accurate, right, just and very fast response to your articles. Unfortunately, the well-known journals or publishers demand long time periods for peer reviewing and the peers are not always highly specialized to assess the topic you have mentioned; therefore the peers, not always but mostly, make irrelevant and negative comments. I must thank Openventio Publishers for not being on this side.


University of Padua – OTLOJ


All suggestions were correct and the Journal team was very kind. They made and excellent English editing, after their work my Editorial was impeccable and enriched in meaning, they absolutely increase the power of my message. Excellent.

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