Role of Bactiguard Infection Technology in Preventing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections.
To study the role of Bactiguard infection technology in preventing Catheter-associated urinary tract infections. This study was conducted in a tertiary care center in the Department of Plastic Surgery, JIPMER, Pondicherry, India in the month of August 2019.
During the period of the catheter use in our subject, patient did not develop features of urinary tract infections. Healthcare-associated infections are a major concern in today’s era of medical advancement. According to World Health Organization, effective infection control and prevention can reduce HAIs by at least 30%.
HAIs are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Prolonged hospital stay, long-term disabilities, increased antibiotic resistance, increased financial burden are some of the implications of HAIs.
Catheter-associated urinary tract infections is the most common HAI and most of them are caused by indwelling urinary catheters. Patients usually present with local and systemic symptoms of bacteriuria such as urgency, dysuria, abdominal pain and fever. Thus early prevention of CAUTI is of utmost important.
High-risk individuals for acquiring CAUTI include those patients who require prolonged catheterization and long hospital stay, patients with diabetes mellitus, Fournier’s gangrene etc.
Clin Trial Pract Open J. 2019; 2(1): 19-21. doi: 10.17140/CTPOJ-2-108