The Causes of Marginal Discrepancy of Fixed Dental Prostheses: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Good fitting crown is the most important technical factors for the long-term success of dental restorations.
Marginal discrepancy can lead to plaque and bacterial deposition, which can generate many complications as periodontal damage, microleakage and it may affect the retentive aspect of the restoration.
Several authors explained the marginal discrepancy by the lack of rigor in the completion of the clinical sequence technical and impression materials, decontamination of impressions and sealing) or the laboratory sequence.
This study aims to identify the factors that lead to good fitting crowns. This is a cross-sectional study. It lasted for a period of two months, from January 2017 to February 2017. The example that was the subject of our study is made up of qualified dentists practicing in Tunisia in the private sector, without distinction of sex. It has been established according to the following selection criteria.
These results are consistent with those found by Ates and Yesil Duymus and with those founded by Bottino et al, which reported that the best cervical adaptation of metal crowns was
achieved with the chamfer type of finish line. The study of Raul et al also showed that the marginal misfit measured in zirconium crowns with around shoulder finish line is significantly lower than the measured misfit in chamfer finish line restoration. Our study reported that the best marginal adaptation was
founded using expasyl.
Comparing these results with those of the in vitro study of Wottsmann we find almost the same
results concerning the comparison between electro-surgery and the retraction cord where there is not
a significant
difference between these two methods. Dent Open J. 2019; 6(1): 8-12. doi: 10.17140/DOJ-6-141