The Effect of Internal Locus of Control and Social-Emotional Learning on Life and Relationship Satisfaction.
All participants completed in a survey that assessed the degree of participants’ locus of control, expectations of success, current goals and career-related aspirations and their satisfaction with their relationships and life in general. Twenty-one of the participants and all leaders also were interviewed.
Regression analyses revealed that both the participants’ self-management and the leader’s locus of control were significant predictors of the participants’ internal locus of control. Congruent with interview findings, latent structural equation analysis revealed that three manifest variables of social-emotional learning, “self-management”, “social awareness”, and “self-efficacy”
had direct positive effects on participants’ subjective well-being.
Researchers relied on the participants’ feedback and were not able to directly observe how well the participants responded to the life skill and academic review classes. Future studies should also
collect feedback from participants’ peers to evaluate the participants’ acquisition of knowledge and their transfer of learning.
Future studies should gather information regarding the participants’ actual test scores for high school and college and data from a control group of students. A longitudinal study of social-emotional learning and well-being as well as the influence of gender roles on holistic development is desirable.
School or career related goals, participant locus of control, leader locus of control, life satisfaction, satisfaction with relationships: Participants named a school or career related goal that was most important to them at the time of the survey. Participants rated their expectations of success, the importance of their goal based on two questions derived from existing research in self-leadership and motivation through incentive values.
Psychol Cogn Sci Open J. 2020; 6(2):31-49. doi: 10.17140/PCSOJ-6-157