The Relationship Between the Degree of the Mastoid Pneumatization and Mean Platelet Volume.
To explore the relationships between mean platelet volume values and the degree of the mastoid pneumatization. A retrospective clinical chart review.
The precise functions of the mastoid air cell system are a current and controversial theme. The
mastoid air cell system is adopted as an air reservoir for the middle ear. However, knowledge
of the physiologic functions of the mastoid air cell system remains unsatisfactory.
protection of the sensitive inner ear structures from external temperature changes, pressure regulator by impact of the large surface area in accordance with gas exchange.
The mastoid air cell system enlarges variably to all regions of temporal bone which has a pyramidal shape. The pneumatization of mastoid bone varies individually and its development alters with age.
The development of mastoid air cell system is completely mature at approximately 15 years of age in males and 10 years of age in females. However, the determination of the exact mastoid pneumatization is difficult although all air cells are interrelated.
Especially, measurements derived from CT images with the aid of MPR afford objective and reliable values. Only a few studies have measured the mastoid pneumatization using this technique.
In conclusion, the MPV values did not affect the degree of the mastoid pneumatization. Further studies with larger numbers of patients are needed to evaluate the relationship between the degree of the mastoid pneumatization and MPV values.
Otolaryngol Open J. 2016; 2(3): 87-90. doi: 10.17140/OTLOJ-2-119