Which Pain is Treated at the Emergency Department?
Pain is a discomport that nobody can feel the exact complain that is experienced
by the others. Because, someone’s pain is the mildest pain that we have.
More than 50% of emergency department visits have pain complaint.
Emergency physician’s management of painly conditions and their sence clinic take
an important role for making accurate diagnosis.
A 27-year-old healthy woman with complaints of right flank pain was admitted to
emergency department for a while.
She stated that previously she has been treated for her pain
diagnosed as renal colic, and it recurred. She also had blurred vision.
Nausea was positive obviouse vomiting was did not occur.
6-7 hours pased since the last emergency visit, and visual symptoms
began immadiatly she was discharged.
She was treated with a narcotic analgesic and metoclopramide.
Additionally N-Hyoscine butyl bromide was injected intravenously.
Her vital signs were completely within normal limits. She did nor state any discomfort except
right costovertebral tenderness during physical examination.
Her neurological examination including visual field was normal.
There was no other signs in addition to her complaint and medical history.
Tramadol 100 mg/IV infusion was administered as narcotic analgesia.
After an hour her pain was decreased and she was not discomforted of blurring vision.
The emergency physician had explain that sometimes blurring complaint may give rise due to side effect of
drug hypersensitivity as she was administered.
She was asked and advised to coming back if she became discomfortable again.
Next day, she came back to the emergency department and suffered from vomiting,
blurred vision, headache and described right flank pain again.
Emerg Med Open J. 2015; 1(4): e5-e6. doi: 10.17140/EMOJ-1-e002